Monday, December 29, 2008

After the festivities...

The holidays slowed me down a bit on updates, but here goes again!!

A Christmas gift for my sister of the spoiled furry critter in our house, for when her new house comes along.

A veggie painting for mom to replace the awful, unfinished oil still life that has been in the kitchen at home for far too long.

& the accordion book for Type & Image!

Hope everyone's holidays were happy!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Just because...

A few old birds that never made it up.
Next week is the last portfolio day of the semester, which means taking a look at all the work that has happened...which involves many, many little patterned panels.

Vegetables coming soon.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Margot Poster..

Little extra practice before the final Type & Image project....

Words were dictated...obviously.

Halfway there..

Well, more than halfway.
Finals. The halfway mark for this year.
The LAST year.
((I told you I'd finish up eventually dad....))

I've been up all night working on a Type & Image promo piece, but I'm super excited about it.
Plus some other things in the works that will be finishing up soon- so keep checking:)

In the meantime- I ran a portion of an after school art program at Clinton School in Chelsea this semester. We did a public art project with the kids that will be displayed outside of their auditorium for their Christmas open house. The kids were a blast- they were all middle schoolers & way cooler than we ever were. They all created birds ((they're everywhere lately)), starting with newspaper & tape, ending with fabric, glitter, tassels- you name it. They shocked us with their creativity & enthusiasm. It reminded me that while I don't want to be a teacher, I do need to find a kids program to be a part of. It keeps me in tune with everything I loved about art before I worried about having a career.

This was my example to show them. Please pardon the not so wonderful photograph.

& because Elena & I were pretty artistically particular & proud of our holiday creation:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"We've Evolved"

I am not thrilled that Rolling Stone is shrinking down it's size.
Glue opposed to staples I can handle, but conforming to the rest of magazine's size standards??
Come on Rolling're better than that.